Frequently Asked Questions

Lower your property taxes with Parcel

Parcel helps you lower your property bill. We identify property tax exemptions that you qualify for, and file for these exemptions on your behalf.

Property tax exemptions reduce the tax burden of your home. These are typically passed by state or local governments to provide tax breaks for those in need. For example, most counties have exemptions for owner-occupied homes, seniors, and veterans.

Provide your zip code and answer 5 simple questions, and Parcel can tell you how much you can lower your property taxes. Get started on our home page.

No, this does not affect your property value.

You can use Parcel at any time during the year, and we will manage the entire filing process, including specific timelines that the counties have.

We will file for your exemptions on your behalf. You will get these exemptions in the next tax bill calendar year. So, if you file for your exemptions in 2023, you will receive the benefit on your 2024 property tax bill. Parcel will monitor your tax bill with the county assessor’s office to make sure the savings are applied, and notify you when they are.

No. You only need to apply for an exemption once, and it will remain on your tax bill.

No. For all exemptions in California, homeowners need to apply directly with the Assessor's office.

We will check your tax bill with the county assessor’s office automatically to make sure we do not file for an exemption that you already have.

Parcel takes a small portion of your savings depending on the exemptions that we file for (typically less than 5% of your savings).

We have a savings guarantee. This means if your savings aren’t applied to your tax bill for any reason, your money will be automatically refunded.

Take 10 minutes and follow the prompts beginning on the home page. Parcel will ask you for some basic information to help you.